Dear Mr. President,
I am here dwelling with the question on how can a nation with such a debt and such shaky grounds for war go for it, with such a vast result in cost, death, human devastation and destruction?
£515bn cost to the U.S, 4.7m refugees, 31,921 wounded U.S. troops, 113,125 Iraqi civilians deaths and so on and on, enough to make any man sick.
This in our 21century is unbearably wrong, how the most advanced country on earth, most powerful, most able, with all the brains any one care to mention at their disposal could go to war?
The actual real cost only God knows and those who lost some of there loved ones, possessions, stability.
When the U.S. went to war, the country already had a big debt. In the international theatre, they were preparing a much bigger show worldwide, massive capital investment in China and the biggest bust of the banking system in living history leaving the UE hanging on the edge of the precipice and the U.S. economy not much better.
I asked myself, is this self-destruction or a tactical approach to a much bigger level of dominance worldwide?
Mr. President when you have a quite moment and your mind wanders around in the universe, maybe you can ask yourself this question, is it worth it? To have 3m of your people on the poverty line and biggest debt, Europe in debt for a decade and the rest of the world on a short time dream “to be American for a minute”.
All of this is bad enough, but if we were to add the CO2 problem, then, there is no point in getting up in the morning.
And, yet I still have a gleam of hope, man the eternal fool, the eternal optimist.