miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011

Dear Mr. President

Dear Mr. President,

I am here dwelling with the question on how can a nation with such a debt and such shaky grounds for war go for it, with such a vast result in cost, death, human devastation and destruction?

£515bn cost to the U.S, 4.7m refugees, 31,921 wounded U.S. troops, 113,125 Iraqi civilians deaths and so on and on, enough to make any man sick.

This in our 21century is unbearably wrong, how the most advanced country on earth, most powerful, most able, with all the brains any one care to mention at their disposal could go to war?

The actual real cost only God knows and those who lost some of there loved ones, possessions, stability.

When the U.S. went to war, the country already had a big debt. In the international theatre, they were preparing a much bigger show worldwide, massive capital investment in China and the biggest bust of the banking system in living history leaving the UE hanging on the edge of the precipice and the U.S. economy not much better.

I asked myself, is this self-destruction or a tactical approach to a much bigger level of dominance worldwide?

Mr. President when you have a quite moment and your mind wanders around in the universe, maybe you can ask yourself this question, is it worth it? To have 3m of your people on the poverty line and biggest debt, Europe in debt for a decade and the rest of the world on a short time dream “to be American for a minute”.

All of this is bad enough, but if we were to add the CO2 problem, then, there is no point in getting up in the morning.

And, yet I still have a gleam of hope, man the eternal fool, the eternal optimist.

jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011


Not so long ago I listened to a comment where the term “Don Money” was mentioned referring to its power to make an event right even though it was wrong or viceversa. It was Dali the genius of surrealism who “worshiped” the $ as having the power of God.

I am not surprised about speculators in the markets and their ways of operating, ruthless sharks of greed, where they let the market dictate who survives and who perishes. So far so good, but institutions which are meant to be the arbitrators and guarantors of valuations like the rating agencies, which are instrumental in the making or destructions of markets, currencies, nations (European turmoil) in the past few weeks, I have to say: It is wrong.

The Nations and its economies apply different actions and do no follow any rules but their own interpretation of what should or should not be done, one Nation let a bank to go to the wall, and another support it with massive capital injection. In the Eurozone it is all too clear how speculation has been rampant, taking Nations as if they were simple individuals responsible for a loan and assessing them as mere employees where they might be loosing the job and therefore not been able to pay the interest and capital in the short term.

The Euro is a currency used for exchanging goods, it can not be bankrupt for it is not backed by any nation “there is not one nation” responsible for that currency, that system. Each of the Eurozone nations, governments have got into a bigger debt that they wish for, but that does not mean they can not pay back –if speculators do not impose 7% interest or higher. Lets look at it from the point of a loan to and individual from an institution. When a Bank lends you small amount it charges higher interest than when it lend bigger amount (one can see that in any high street bank). We can introduce the risk factor into it, cross comparisons, possibilities of repayments and so on but, if what we really want is speculation and maximize our returns to have a nation at your mercy is the best position to be –the winner dictate the conditions and so does the lender.

If the rating agencies want to take the Euro as one zone, then they can see that the total debt is within the normal range and the AAA rating where it is applicable with the 2-4% interest. It is very clear a case for “usury” or a high degree of speculation. One can see the degree of volatility in changing presidents, or different institutions given different opinions how this affects ratings, rates of interest.

I would like somebody to tell me: How can you make any of the nations in the Eurozone to go bankrupt with the euro?

domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2011

This is the time for Federal States of Europe

We can still hear the shameless reticent news, agreed by the European leaders in the last summit when they are trying to save the European banks, to stabilize Europe and to save Greece from the crisis.

Do we have to accept the bank’s kindness of withdrawing 50% of the Greek’s debt with reverence when it was them, who generated most of the crisis, what a cheek! We all know it was the banks negligence for giving unworthy credits during the years of plenty.

Lets remember a non European nation, the Argentinean debt situation and the banks annulling most of their debt with private and not so clear interest rates, during the famous years of “financial courtroom”

I can see in shame European banking complaining of not having enough capital, as this is one proof of the inability of some European banks in some countries. I understand that such entities need to have a 9% capacity to maximise there services but it is proper that the EU keep an eye on the banks trading especially on credit given to small business and individuals, as we are at the receiving end of the bank’s errors.

It has been said that the EU will put in place a mechanism of guarantees to facilitate the finance of the banks, lets hope it is true, perhaps this is the answer to the financial problems of Europe, or better said, not having done so before is the cause of our present predicament.

We have heard Zapatero and Berlusconi going on their disastrous economic policies, one, not implementing in time the advice from the EU and the other for not even considering implementing them, at least Greece will have to accept the EU supervision of their finance, action very commendable to do in other countries.

It looks as if the world economic melt down has been created by the Europeans starting in Greece, while Merkel goes on with the phrase “if the Euro goes so does Europe” but she does not reduce the surplus capital in favour of the EU.

I believe that the EU should take less notice of the qualification agencies in the EEUU for they are more in favour of the dollar and undermining the euro any time, listen to the Berggruen Institute with there advice “ if Europe does not get more united, the debt will continue impeding growth” and the result will be the destruction of the euro. It is a clear message of the necessity to progress in the political and fiscal unity in the EU.

The EU should have more credibility with the powerful countries and not have to beg for financial help, and this is achievable only when there is one united strategy for:

-Coordinate EU politics

-To have economic independence

-To create jobs

-To better social justice

It is a paradox that Donald Tuck, Prime Minister of Poland said:

We should have more presence (the 17 countries outside the eurozone) now when it is precisely what is needed a unity in policy and identity in forming the Federal States of Europe. Historically, it is the people who push for progress.

sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2011

The Eurozone

We are seeing an historical event in our European Union that by chance, coincidence and a good deal of international politics, well coordinated by the black forces acting in the background, are slowly undermining half a century of European integration. The “family” is angry, parents dictate, the prodigal son is asked to go, the rest looks down and carries on, neighbours shiver with dismay, the house is still in one piece, the contents alter, they might have to take a body out, feet first, but the system continues.

The stock exchange, trade, financial markets continues its speculation, the rating agencies imposes it will, (the beautiful European lady, slowly and surely by the ruthless entities of the World, commences its decline into anonymity) they act like vultures to the smell in the air of dead meet raising from the four quarters of the land. The interest rates high and the people’s deposits at its lowest, plus the burden of their government mistake, mismanagements, is a recipe for revolution.

Lets reflect what is happening in our World to this day, “nothing” has been solved, too much talk, the G20 gathers but their track records shows –they do not solve our world, they still have not agreed on the reduction of CO2, they only agree to have another meeting and thus by ignoring the issue the stink increases, the vultures will get fatter, the banquet will be extensive and in abundance, the coffers will fill up so big and massive that lending will be done to other businesses, individuals, corporations to have modern slavery for decades. There will always be someone to exploit.

I believe the strategy is that by doing so, the quality of life will be reduced and a good percentage of the population cease to exist, therefore fewer mouths to feed and care for, less CO2 and more money in the coffers.

All this borrowing now and pay later attitude, reminds me of the optimistic soldiers who are taken to the front line and think they are going to tell the venture back home. The herd of European citizens is canon fodder, easy to persuade and easy to exploit, there is no alternative other than to put up with it and plod along.

I do not know what the solution is but it might have something to do with the devaluation of Chinas’ currency and the dollar and the euro is the currency to sacrifice.

There is one alarming point, when the World financial problem is solved, the world banks, private entities and individuals will have to build massive storage to keep all the money that they gain from squeezing the EU or better the massive debt of the world. The oldest form of democratised slavery.

It also true that without knowing all the details to the events, it is impossible to arrive to any reasonable conclusion. What has been happening since Mr Reagan’s administration in the world economies of free markets?

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011

Is Government/Parliament representing its people or what?

This is always a question in the mind of our citizens, especially when it comes to voting. I cannot help saying that the result is a big disappointment, it keeps failing its people and responsibility laid on them is completely put on one side. Successive political parties keep promising on electioneering time what they are going to do if elected knowing only too well that it will not be done in real time.

I never had any doubt in their good intentions, but actions speak louder than words. Today we see World wide protest of discontent, the citizens manifest their feelings, they are not happy with their share, the news is clear, stop telling the people “we together will override the problems” It is not We, it is you, –the people have to put up with Government’s and Parliament’s mismanagement.

The information we read, hear and feel is that quote “[In] America, [there is] the most tightly regulated [lobbying] in the world, and by my estimation it’s the most corrupt,” ES London. This is in relation to the corporate and or industry lobbying that is practically the entire machinery of government. The lobbying industry is worth an amazing £2 billion in the UK and growing, in the last Conservative party conference there were 7,000 lobbyists and only 4,000 delegates [ES London].

This is what we are permited to be seen, imagine what size the iceberg would be.

If this is not enough to scare anyone on the state of the western governments and democracy all you have to do is to see how people complain on the G20.

I am afraid for our EU situation in respect to this lobbying and the consequence to the citizens of Europe. I am to understand it does exist, to what magnitude I would like to know.

Is lobbying necessary?

martes, 4 de octubre de 2011

Mr Barroso speech

On Wednesday 28 of September 2011, José Manuel Durao Barroso, president of the European Commission gave his speech on the state of the European Union within the debate on the same theme during the European Parliament in Strasburg on the 26 to 29 of September. It was possible to see it on Europarl TV and in twitter with hashtag #soteu.

Mr Barroso point out “ Today we are facing the most challenging situation the European Union has ever had in its past history”, and that “ some of our States had lived above their means”, and that “the financial crisis has contributed to making it worse”. You can see more on Ciudadano Morante.

viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011

BBC ridiculed

It is approximately 30 months since I put an article on the web page of the EU Debate for Europe where I mentioned the necessity of helping Greece, no matter what.

My wish has been granted and no doubt the Euro will survive for the simple reason that 17 countries wishes it to be so. There is a saying that “the power of success is directly related to how much you really want something to happen”

The reason to write this comment is not only to say congratulations to Angela Merkel on the Euro situation but to tell the reader how ignorant the public is on issues of the EU.

Yesterday on the BBC programme at 11 o’clock, Jeremy Paxman debated about the Euro and had in his panel Peter Oborne, his ignorance on the subject was reflected in his insults to the European Commissioner Mr Altafaj-Tardio calling him “this idiot from Brussels”. Jeremy should have asked Mr Peter Oborne to leave the studio or apologies to the European Commissioner on the spot, instead Mr Altafaj-Tardio left the studio in Brussels.

During Gordon’s Brown term in office he said to his ministers not to say anything about the EU to their constituencies, for he will take this as propaganda. I would like to have asked him – since when to inform the people is considered propaganda? To talk the electorate when he was campaigning for votes to be re-elected, it is propaganda.

I am absolutely sure, the EU continues on its path with the determination of the believer and the conviction of what is right, Europe is and will continue to be a reality, our ideology is very humane and its citizens can only benefit from it. We have proved of what can be achieved if governments want to participate in this noble idea of the EU.

The economic problem at present can have a solution, like all problems. Dialogue and listening is essential if we want to understand eachother and arrive to a mutual agreement in order to have a better world.

For a better Europe, always.

jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011

Good morning.


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