sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2011

The Eurozone

We are seeing an historical event in our European Union that by chance, coincidence and a good deal of international politics, well coordinated by the black forces acting in the background, are slowly undermining half a century of European integration. The “family” is angry, parents dictate, the prodigal son is asked to go, the rest looks down and carries on, neighbours shiver with dismay, the house is still in one piece, the contents alter, they might have to take a body out, feet first, but the system continues.

The stock exchange, trade, financial markets continues its speculation, the rating agencies imposes it will, (the beautiful European lady, slowly and surely by the ruthless entities of the World, commences its decline into anonymity) they act like vultures to the smell in the air of dead meet raising from the four quarters of the land. The interest rates high and the people’s deposits at its lowest, plus the burden of their government mistake, mismanagements, is a recipe for revolution.

Lets reflect what is happening in our World to this day, “nothing” has been solved, too much talk, the G20 gathers but their track records shows –they do not solve our world, they still have not agreed on the reduction of CO2, they only agree to have another meeting and thus by ignoring the issue the stink increases, the vultures will get fatter, the banquet will be extensive and in abundance, the coffers will fill up so big and massive that lending will be done to other businesses, individuals, corporations to have modern slavery for decades. There will always be someone to exploit.

I believe the strategy is that by doing so, the quality of life will be reduced and a good percentage of the population cease to exist, therefore fewer mouths to feed and care for, less CO2 and more money in the coffers.

All this borrowing now and pay later attitude, reminds me of the optimistic soldiers who are taken to the front line and think they are going to tell the venture back home. The herd of European citizens is canon fodder, easy to persuade and easy to exploit, there is no alternative other than to put up with it and plod along.

I do not know what the solution is but it might have something to do with the devaluation of Chinas’ currency and the dollar and the euro is the currency to sacrifice.

There is one alarming point, when the World financial problem is solved, the world banks, private entities and individuals will have to build massive storage to keep all the money that they gain from squeezing the EU or better the massive debt of the world. The oldest form of democratised slavery.

It also true that without knowing all the details to the events, it is impossible to arrive to any reasonable conclusion. What has been happening since Mr Reagan’s administration in the world economies of free markets?

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